MRK: Rearrangements in the Structure of the Group (merger of subsidiaries)
On 22 December 2014, AS Merko Ehitus initiated a process to merge its fully owned subsidiaries O? Metsailu, O? Ringtee Tehnopark, O? Maryplus and O? Constancia, all engaged in real estate development, in order to produce administrative cost savings related to company management. The acquiring company will be O? Metsailu. The companies being acquired will be merged into O? Metsailu and as a result of the merger the companies being acquired will wind up without liquidation proceedings and O? Metsailu will become the legal successor of the companies being acquired. As a result of the merger, AS Merko Ehitus will remain the sole shareholder in O? Metsailu, the acquiring company. The closing date of the merger is 1 January 2015 after which all transactions of the acquirees will have been deemed to have been made on account of the acquirer. The final merger entry is expected to be made in the Commercial Register during the first half of 2015. The said transaction will have no impact on the consolidated profit or assets and liabilities of the AS Merko Ehitus group.