ONEXIM Announces Assignment of Claims under Loan of GK Svyaznoy Owner
OREANDA-NEWS. ONEXIM Group closed the deal on the assignment of claims under the loan of GK Svyaznoy owner, Maxim Nogotkov. Claims under the loan have been transferred to the Solvers Group.
Earlier, despite the signed agreement with Maxim Nogotkov on transfer of control over Svyaznoy to the major shareholders and considerable concessions on the part of ONEXIM Group and Blagosostoyaniye (including an option of the asset buy-back during the first six months at the deal purchase price, Maxim Nogotkov's participation in management of the company, a long-term agreement between Svyaznoy and Svyaznoy Bank, additional financing of assets by ONEXIM and Blagosostoyaniye), Maxim Nogotkov refused to sign legally-binding agreements per the deal. At the same time, according to the Media, Maxim Nogotkov is reportedly negotiating a deal with other potential buyers of Svyaznoy. Hence, ONEXIM Group has decided to novate the claims.
"Our original goal was to ensure the loan repaymentby Maxim Nogotkov, while maintaining stability of the Svyaznoy business. We are glad that we were not only able to tackle our tasks, but also to engage the Solvers Group, whose experience will certainly be of much value in resolving Svyaznoy's issues" - said Dmitry Razumov, CEO of ONEXIM Group.