Indian government seeks clarification for PL grant
In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai said that presently there is no proposal pending to allot Koraput Bauxite deposit in favour of Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC). The Central Government had earlier conveyed prior approval to the Government of Odisha on 11.01.1999 for grant of mining lease for bauxite over an area of 715.075 hectares in village Kodingamali, District Koraput, Odisha in favour of OMC. A proposal dated 16.2.2000 for grant of mining lease for bauxite over an area of 723.735 hectares in villages Potangi and Turia, District Koraput, Odisha in favour of OMC was returned in consultation with Government of Odisha on 19.06.2001.