India published new instructions for NGOs
(i) The recipient body employs more than 20 persons on a regular basis and at least 50 percent of its recurring expenditure is met from grants-in-aid from the Central Government; and (ii)The body is a registered society or a cooperative institution and is in receipt of a general purpose annual grants-in-aid of Rs. 2 Lakh and above from the Consolidated Fund of India.
The said instructions further provide that while sanctioning future grant to voluntary agencies the progress made by such agencies in employing SC, ST and OBC candidates in their services should be kept in view by the administrative Ministries/Departments. The voluntary agencies etc, should be informed that the progress in respect to the employment by them of SCs, STs and OBCs in the services under them would be taken into account by Government while sanctioning future grants-in-aid to them. O.M.No. 36013/6/81-Estt(Res) dated 7.10.1981 also provide that voluntary agencies receiving grants-in-aid from Government need to appoint Liaison Officers in connection with appointment and promotion of SC/ST candidates.
The instructions have been issued from time to time by DoPT that the liaison officer in a Ministry/Department/Organization is responsible, inter-alia, for ensuring compliance with instruction of reservation of SCs/STs. Cases of negligence or lapses in the matter of following orders relating to reservation are submitted by the nodal officer to the Secretary/Additional Secretary of the Ministry/Department or the Head of the Department, for issuing necessary direction.
This was stated by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to Shri Chandrakant Khaire, Shri Laxman Giluwa and Shri Pashupati Nath Singh in the Lok Sabha today.