India approved freehold rights to villagers in chullah tax villages
i. For original challah tax payers and their descendants and purchasers from the chullah tax payers and their descendants – the rates of Rs 575 per sq mt as decided for unauthorized colonies in the year 2008 should be updated with prescribed interest rate of Delhi Development Authority (DDA) upto 30.11.14;
ii. For the original allottees/ their descendants/ purchasers from original allottees occupying land more than permitted limit- the calculation will be based on PDR basis, i.e, the rate of Rs 3500 per sq mt (cost of acquisition of undeveloped land in the year 2007, i.e Rs 1702 per sq mt plus interest at the prescribed rate of DDA upto November 2014) will be charged for the areas in excess of the permissible limit;
iii. For Valmiki category or their descendants- the rates will be as that in (i) above.
As regards the encroachers on the Government land in these villages, the matter will be decided separately.
DDA has been directed to regularize all three categories of the existing occupation on “As is where is” basis. DDA has also been directed to ensure proper identification of the villagers for granting the freehold ownership rights.