Online Processing of Grants by NGO/VOS
This online process portal is intended to expedite the processing and impart complete transparency in the processing of applications submitted by the NGOs/ VOs. The schemes for which grants-in-aid are being processed on this system are:-
(i) Scheme of Grant in Aid to Voluntary Organisations working for Scheduled Castes
(ii) Assistance to Voluntary Organisations for Welfare of OBCs
(iii) Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP Scheme)
(iv) Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme to Promote voluntary Action for Persons with Disabilities (DDRS Scheme)
(v) Integrated Programme for Older Persons
(vi) Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Some user NGOs and VOs have reported certain difficulties in the registration process or in filing of applications. These were mainly due to technical problems at the local level i.e. at the point of uploading details by the NGOs, and were resolved as and when reported.
The online processing system covers the schemes that are being implemented through NGOS/VOs.