KPO Makes Statement on Incident in Berezovka Village School
OREANDA-NEWS. December 16, 2014. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) distributed the following statement:
Concerning information that was published in the media regarding the incident in Berezovka village school on 28th November 2014, KPO would like to state the following:
We are deeply concerned that children and teachers have been taken ill at the Berezovka village school few days ago. We wish them all a full and swift recovery.
While the cause of the incident remains unknown, we are actively participating in the Berezovka incident investigation and we are working in close cooperation with the WKO authorities and all relevant authorities.
KPO is supplying all the relevant data including information from environmental monitoring stations to the investigating authorities.
A mobile environmental monitoring station has also been despatched to Berezovka village and has reported no exceedances above the official Maximum Permissible Concentration limits.