Shadow Banking Implementation Group (SBIG) Constituted to undertake Micro Mapping of Shadow Banks and to Assess the Risks
Bank of India (RBI) has constituted Shadow Banking Implementation Group (SBIG)
to undertake micro mapping of shadow banks to assess the risks posed by such
entities to the formal financial sector. SBIG is chaired by RBI and constitutes
of members from Ministry of Finance, Stock Exchange Board of India, Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperation, National Housing Bank, National Bank for
Agriculture & Rural Development, Insurance Regulatory Development
Authority, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Registrar of Agriculture and
of Reference of SBIG are as follows:
- As a first step, the Group will undertake an assessment of the position of compliance of the regulatory framework in the country vis-?-vis the Financial Stability Board policy guidelines;
- The Group will then carry out gap, analysis to identify the reform measures that can be implemented and those where implementation may not be desirable given the specific domestic conditions;
- Where it may not be desirable to initiate the reform measures, the Group will document the same setting out the reasons within an overall ‘comply of explain’ framework;
- The Group will set out a roadmap indicating the timelines for implementation of the reform area concerned together with the regulatory/agency which will implement the reforms and the framework for monitoring;
- The Group will also recommend whether publishing of a formal approach to implementation of reform measures, as being done by several jurisdictions for some of the reform areas, would be appropriate in the Indian context; and
- Setting up a data repository for the shadow
banking sector.
Committee on Shadow Banking is in initial stages in an ongoing assessment
process being monitored by Inter Regulatory Technical Group comprising of RBI,
Securities and Exchange Board of India, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development
Authority, Forward Markets Commission and Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority. The Committee will not submit its report to the Government.