OREANDA-NEWS. GfK's User Experience (UX) research division is leading the way amongst UX agencies in taking positive action to prove its consistently high quality of service across all countries and industries.

As well as being awarded ISO 9001 certification, GfK's UX team is also the first specialist UX provider to appoint a quality control specialist to focus solely on quality.

Shannon O'Neil-Reibling, Quality Assurance & Quality Control Specialist, UX at GfK, comments, "Shannon O'Neil-Reibling, Quality Assurance & Quality Control Specialist, UX at GfK, comments, "In certain regulated industries, particularly health, it is essential to work with ISO-certified vendors - so our certification provides our clients with a smoother procurement process. More importantly, it reassures all clients that we have been independently assessed and certified as a dependable partner, who provides consistent, high quality UX research, no matter where in the world we operate"

While not all UX industry work requires quality management system (QMS) support, the benefits of the system allow for increased customer confidence and satisfaction through proven adherence to quality and customer requirements across all industries.

Benefits of GfK UX's quality management system include:

an approved program to focus on customer satisfaction and demonstrate that it works

an approved training and qualification programme for employees, to allow for traceability and ensure employee capability

control of documents and procedures to allow for easy identification of all processes procedures

selection and de-selection of subcontractors through a vendor qualification program

allowance of a limited customer audit process with customers who use approved vendors for their own compliance.

Other benefits include improved conformity to quality requirements, greater efficiency and productivity, enhanced process consistency and stability, and higher employee motivation and participation.