CB of Myanmar Hosts the Conference of the Committee for the Coordination of Financial Sector Technical Assistance
The terms of reference of the committee were discussed and it was agreed that the eight sub-sector working groups would be expanded to include members of relevant departments in the CBM, and, where appropriate, representatives of the Ministry of Finance and other relevant ministries. More generally, it was also agreed that, in a developing market as vibrant as that in Myanmar, a flexible approach to participation in COFTAM was appropriate, and in particular there was a need to ensure that its membership includes all development partners that were actively providing financial sector TA in Myanmar. Participants also recognized the need for regular meetings of the sub-groups, which would facilitate sustained collaboration among the development partners.
The meeting also included presentations by the chairs of the sub-groups, describing developments in the TA being provided in their areas, and identifying issues for discussion and areas where greater collaboration could be pursued.