Power Machines Conducts Overhaul of Unit of Columbian HPP Urra-1
OREANDA-NEWS. A contract concluded with the owner of the plant, URRA S.A. E.S.P. (Columbia). In accordance with its provisions, Power Machines OJSC is to conduct a major overhaul of the hydraulic unit No. 1. Task completion date is mid-December of the current year.
Major overhaul will result in increase of the hydraulic unit operational reliability.
Key power equipment (turbines and generators) in use at Urra-1 HPP was manufactured and supplied to Columbian plant in 1996-1999 by the factories currently incorporated in Saint Petersburg power machinery manufacturing company.
Urra-1 HPP hydraulic units major overhaul is conducted every six years. Since the plant commissioning as of from 2000 to 2009 Power Machines have conducted major overhaul of all the four hydraulic units of the plant, and as of from 2012 to 2013 run a normal repair of two more units, No. 2 and No. 3.
Apart from hydroelectric equipment major overhaul tasks, Power Machines OJSC provides operating services to Columbian HPP as of 2000.