Turkish MoEU Approves EIA Report of Akkuyu NPP
OREANDA-NEWS. The Commission on evaluation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) of the Akkuyu NPP project took place in the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MoEU) of the Republic of Turkey. The Ministry of Environment has examined the EIA Report of the first Turkish nuclear power plant project to be implemented by AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC in terms of compliance with the regulatory requirements. Based on the review outcomes, the document has been agreed and recognized as observing the Special Format of the Turkish legislation on EIA, and approved.
The EIA Report of the Akkuyu NPP construction project in Turkish province of Mersin is a huge document (5,5 thousand pages, including appendices). The document studies impact of the nuclear power plant on the environment, including: agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, production localization, fishery and many other spheres. The information, provided by independent subcontractors with engagement of highly qualified specialists in ecology, design, licensing of NPP construction in countries of Europe and Asia has been used to prepare the report on suitability of the site for the NPP construction. In preparation of EIA report was also attended by Turkish organizations and higher education institutions.
Akkuyu nuclear power plant in province of Mersin will be the first nuclear power plant in territory of the Republic of Turkey. This large-scale project will launch the nuclear industry of the country. That is why the government agencies, public organizations, political parties and Turkish citizens pay close attention to this construction project.
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a term of the IAIA, International Association for Impact Assessment. EIA is designed to identify the nature, intensity and scope of any hazards of planned economic operations on environmental conditions and population health. The EIA Report on projected business or any other activities influence on the environment motivates making environmentally conscious managerial decisions about planned economic and other operations by identifying potential unfavorable impacts, evaluating ecological aftermaths, taking into consideration public opinion, developing measures to mitigate or prevent impacts.