03.12.2014, 21:55
IDGC of Centre congratulated "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" on the 45th anniversary
OREANDA-NEWS. November 26 marked the 45 years of the Belgorod Regional Organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz". The management of the company in the face of Advisor to General Director - Chairman of the primary trade union organization of IDGC of Centre Victor Ablezgov congratulated the Belgorod trade union on the happy anniversary.
Congratulating his Belgorod colleagues on the anniversary, Victor Ablezgov stressed that it is the union that acts on behalf of many thousands of power engineers and is responsible for the coordination of interests of employees and employers in labour relations: "Proof of this is the highest membership in the organization of all employees - so, in Belgorodenergo it is 99.96%, or more than 4 thousand people. For this indicator, the Belgorod Regional Organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" in 2012 took the first place in Russia, underlined Victor Ablezgov. "The union actively supports industrial and socio-economic activities of the company, is committed to fully ensure initiatives taken together, and this practice every year only expands."
Today the union acts as the fundamental platform for social dialogue and partnership between the employees and the employer. It addresses current issues of labour relations and organizes the annual health campaign, sporting events and field trips, charity and social events.
"In fact, we are the link between the Veterans’ Council and the Youth Council of the energy industry," says Chairman of the Belgorod Regional Organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" Anatoly Androsovich. "And to achieve good results at work, we give all the power and accumulated over 45 years of experience in the trade union work."
The starting point in the history of the organization was the I Belgorod Regional Trade Union Conference of workers of power plants and electrical industry, which took place on November 26, 1969.
Originally members of the regional committee of the trade union of workers of power plants and electrical industry included 14 unions of energy companies in the region, including the Southern, Northern and Eastern Electric Networks of Regional Energy Office Belgorodenergo.
Since then the Belgorod Regional Organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" protects the rights and interests of Belgorod power engineers, oversees compliance of labour protection requirements in the production, ensures preservation of the corporate culture and relationship between generations.
Over 45 years the history of the Belgorod Elektroprofsoyuz had many memorable events. For example, in 2002 the collective agreement of Belgorodenergo was recognized as the best among regional energy companies and power plants of RAO "UES of Russia". And 10 years later, in 2013, the primary trade union organization of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division took the III place in the competition for the title of "The best primary trade union organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz".
Today the Belgorod Regional Organization "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" not only provides social stability in the workforce, but also increasingly affect the production processes, improving the company's competitiveness in the energy market.
Congratulating his Belgorod colleagues on the anniversary, Victor Ablezgov stressed that it is the union that acts on behalf of many thousands of power engineers and is responsible for the coordination of interests of employees and employers in labour relations: "Proof of this is the highest membership in the organization of all employees - so, in Belgorodenergo it is 99.96%, or more than 4 thousand people. For this indicator, the Belgorod Regional Organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" in 2012 took the first place in Russia, underlined Victor Ablezgov. "The union actively supports industrial and socio-economic activities of the company, is committed to fully ensure initiatives taken together, and this practice every year only expands."
Today the union acts as the fundamental platform for social dialogue and partnership between the employees and the employer. It addresses current issues of labour relations and organizes the annual health campaign, sporting events and field trips, charity and social events.
"In fact, we are the link between the Veterans’ Council and the Youth Council of the energy industry," says Chairman of the Belgorod Regional Organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" Anatoly Androsovich. "And to achieve good results at work, we give all the power and accumulated over 45 years of experience in the trade union work."
The starting point in the history of the organization was the I Belgorod Regional Trade Union Conference of workers of power plants and electrical industry, which took place on November 26, 1969.
Originally members of the regional committee of the trade union of workers of power plants and electrical industry included 14 unions of energy companies in the region, including the Southern, Northern and Eastern Electric Networks of Regional Energy Office Belgorodenergo.
Since then the Belgorod Regional Organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" protects the rights and interests of Belgorod power engineers, oversees compliance of labour protection requirements in the production, ensures preservation of the corporate culture and relationship between generations.
Over 45 years the history of the Belgorod Elektroprofsoyuz had many memorable events. For example, in 2002 the collective agreement of Belgorodenergo was recognized as the best among regional energy companies and power plants of RAO "UES of Russia". And 10 years later, in 2013, the primary trade union organization of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division took the III place in the competition for the title of "The best primary trade union organization of Public Union - "Russian Electroprofsoyuz".
Today the Belgorod Regional Organization "Russian Electroprofsoyuz" not only provides social stability in the workforce, but also increasingly affect the production processes, improving the company's competitiveness in the energy market.