03.12.2014, 21:57
Draft resolutions of Olainfarm to be held on December 17th , 2014
OREANDA-NEWS. Draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC „Olainfarm” to be held on December 17th , 2014
1. Elections of the Council.
Draft resolutions:
1.1. to elect the Council of JSC “Olainfarm” consisting of the following members for the further term of five years, setting that term of the Council powers commences on December 18th , 2014:
Name, surname, personal details:
1. Valentina Andrejeva,
2. Gunta Veismane,
3. Aleksandrs Raicis,
4. Volodymir Kryvozubov,
5. Ingrida Circene,
1.2. To set the total monthly remuneration of all the Supervisory Council at 10500,00 EUR.
2. Amendments of the Articles of Association and denomination of the nominal value of shares from lats to euro.
Draft resolutions:
2.1. To perform fixed capital denomination to euro of Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm”, unitary registration Nr. 40003007246, determining that company’s fixed capital consists of 14,085,078 (fourteen million eighty-five thousand and seventy-eight) shares, with a nominal value 1, 40 EUR (one euro 40 euro cents) per share, forming the fixed capital in amount of EUR 19 719 109.20 (nineteen million seven hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and nine euro and 20 euro cents).
2.2. To determine that Joint Stock Company “ Olainfarm” share denomination date (calculation date) is January 23rd , 2015 (end of the day).
2.3. To transfer positive balance arising from denomination of shares of JSC "Olainfarm" from lats to euros in amount of 322 151.24 EUR (three hundred and twenty-two thousand one hundred fifty one euro and 24 euro cents) to the reserves of Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm”.
2.4. To amend Articles of Association of JSC “Olainfarm” follows:
2.4.1. To express article 3.1. of the Articles of Association as follows:
“ 3.1. Fixed capital of the Company is 19 719 109.20 (nineteen million seven hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and nine euro and 20 euro cents). Fixed capital of the Company consists of 14,085,078 (fourteen million eighty-five thousand and seventy-eight) shares. Nominal value of one share is EUR 1.40 (one euro 40 euro cents). "
2.4.2. To express article 4. of the Articles of Association as follows:
“ 4. Management Board
The Management Board of the Company consists from five members of the Management Board. Members of the Management Board are elected by the Council. Council designates Chairman of the Management Board, chosen among the Members of the Management Board.
Chairman of the Management Board and two Members of the Management Board has unrestricted authority to represent the company separately. Other two Members of the Management Board are authorized to represent the company only collectively.”
2.4.3. To approve the new edition of Articles of Association JSC “Olainfarm”.
3. Regarding approval of the separate audited report of JSC “Olainfarm” for the Year 2013, prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards accepted in European Union.
Draft resolutions:
3.1. To approve the separate audited report of Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” for the Year 2013, which is prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards accepted in European Union.
1. Elections of the Council.
Draft resolutions:
1.1. to elect the Council of JSC “Olainfarm” consisting of the following members for the further term of five years, setting that term of the Council powers commences on December 18th , 2014:
Name, surname, personal details:
1. Valentina Andrejeva,
2. Gunta Veismane,
3. Aleksandrs Raicis,
4. Volodymir Kryvozubov,
5. Ingrida Circene,
1.2. To set the total monthly remuneration of all the Supervisory Council at 10500,00 EUR.
2. Amendments of the Articles of Association and denomination of the nominal value of shares from lats to euro.
Draft resolutions:
2.1. To perform fixed capital denomination to euro of Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm”, unitary registration Nr. 40003007246, determining that company’s fixed capital consists of 14,085,078 (fourteen million eighty-five thousand and seventy-eight) shares, with a nominal value 1, 40 EUR (one euro 40 euro cents) per share, forming the fixed capital in amount of EUR 19 719 109.20 (nineteen million seven hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and nine euro and 20 euro cents).
2.2. To determine that Joint Stock Company “ Olainfarm” share denomination date (calculation date) is January 23rd , 2015 (end of the day).
2.3. To transfer positive balance arising from denomination of shares of JSC "Olainfarm" from lats to euros in amount of 322 151.24 EUR (three hundred and twenty-two thousand one hundred fifty one euro and 24 euro cents) to the reserves of Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm”.
2.4. To amend Articles of Association of JSC “Olainfarm” follows:
2.4.1. To express article 3.1. of the Articles of Association as follows:
“ 3.1. Fixed capital of the Company is 19 719 109.20 (nineteen million seven hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and nine euro and 20 euro cents). Fixed capital of the Company consists of 14,085,078 (fourteen million eighty-five thousand and seventy-eight) shares. Nominal value of one share is EUR 1.40 (one euro 40 euro cents). "
2.4.2. To express article 4. of the Articles of Association as follows:
“ 4. Management Board
The Management Board of the Company consists from five members of the Management Board. Members of the Management Board are elected by the Council. Council designates Chairman of the Management Board, chosen among the Members of the Management Board.
Chairman of the Management Board and two Members of the Management Board has unrestricted authority to represent the company separately. Other two Members of the Management Board are authorized to represent the company only collectively.”
2.4.3. To approve the new edition of Articles of Association JSC “Olainfarm”.
3. Regarding approval of the separate audited report of JSC “Olainfarm” for the Year 2013, prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards accepted in European Union.
Draft resolutions:
3.1. To approve the separate audited report of Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” for the Year 2013, which is prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards accepted in European Union.