IAEA Confirm Commitment of Kola NPP to Operational Safety Improvement
OREANDA-NEWS. The IAEA experts concluded that the management of Kola NPP is committed to continuous operational safety and reliability improvement of its plant. OSART mission head Veselina Rangelova (Bulgaria) stated this at the final conference on the mission outcomes. The mission ended on November 26.
The inspection of operational safety of Units 3-4 started on November 11, 2014 and was carried out upon invitation of the Government of Russia. The IAEA's mission team included experts from Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Iran, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. It was 181st mission in the framework of the OSART program, which has been carried out since 1982.
In the course of the inspection the OSART mission team focused on areas such as: management, organization and administration; training and qualification, operation; maintenance and repair; technical support and operating experience feedback; radiation safety and water chemistry, as well as severe accident management. Upon completion, the IAEA experts pointed out a number of good practices applied at Kola NPP, which can be used at other nuclear facilities across the world. In particular, the expert team highlighted operations of the LRW Treatment Complex, which uses cutting-edge technologies for waste volume reduction. Professional psychologists take part in the operating personnel training. This is positive for overcoming difficult and stress situations. The online snow load monitoring system in case of extreme weather conditions for protection of buildings that house safety important equipment was separately mentioned.
Besides, the experts provided a number of operational safety improvement proposals. Those included the improvement of the plant performance indicators system to make easier the continuous monitoring of the plant safe operation; the improvement of the plant operating procedures and practices; as well as the improvement of the water chemistry monitoring program at the plant.
Kola NPP Plant Manager Vasily Omelchuk thanked the experts for the work done, noting that he was fully satisfied with the mission outcomes. "We intend to put the outmost effort to further improve operation of the nuclear power plant," he said. Also, the plant management expressed their readiness to take measures in regard of all identified areas for improvement and requested the IAEA to plan for a follow-up mission in 18 months.
Based on the OSART mission outcomes, the experts handed over to the plant management the draft recommendations, proposals and good practices in the format of "Technical Notes" for comments. The notes will be reviewed at the IAEA headquarters. The final report will be submitted to the plant, Rostechnadzor and the Government of the Russian Federation within three months. The document will be made accessible for the public.