FUIB Starts Selling Cash Loans
OREANDA-NEWS. The First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) informs on the launch of a new product "Cash Loan" together with the bank "Renaissance Credit".
From now on you can get a cash loan in the amount up to UAH 35 thousand without any collateral or surety in any of 218 branches of the FUIB or "Renaissance Credit" bank throughout Ukraine. Lending term is to 36 months.
The launch of the new credit product in the branch network of the FUIB together with the bank "Renaissance Credit" is an important step towards the building of the merged bank that gives additional benefits to our clients. Firs of all, this is the possibility to quickly get a cash loan in one of 218 branches of both FUIB and "Renaissance Credit" bank for any purposes without a collateral and surety", notes Sebastian Rubaj, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the FUIB, the Head of the Retail Business of the FUIB Banking Group.