Senior Vice-President of Sberbank Speaks at ENES 2014
OREANDA-NEWS. November 24, 2014. Senior Vice-President of Sberbank of Russia Anton Karamzin spoke at the Third International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving (ENES 2014) during the panel discussion “Private investments and bank financing of power efficient projects: plan of actions in complicated conditions”.
Anton Karamzin noted the specific aspects of energy saving and energy efficiency projects, which give energy consumers a new cash flow – money saved by economising operational costs. These funds are the primary return on investment and servicing of debt (loan) financing.
According to the speaker, the main action plan for attracting private investment and bank financing for energy efficiency projects should encompass measures to encourage operator companies that provide public services (resource supplying organisations) to modernise and increase the efficiency of their operations. Such measures may include mechanisms to encourage investment: allocation of costs to invest in modernisation for the purpose of energy efficiency, government-targeted investment support, and determining concise operational and technological efficiency indicators for resource supplying organisations.
The Senior Vice-President of Sberbank noted that as institutions that mainly provide debt (loan) financing, banks must develop special financing instruments for the projects in question, based on the creation of a return flow to the ‘host company’.
“Sberbank of Russia continues to adapt its credit instruments to finance projects seeking to increase energy efficiency and enhance energy saving,” stated Anton Karamzin.