Prices of Producers Decrease by 0,3% in Moldova
OREANDA-NEWS. November 21, 2014. As it was informed in the National Bureau of statistics, at the same time, compared with December 2013, they increased by 3.6%, and as compared to October 2013 increased by 4.3%.
Mining rates in October 2014 increased by 0.7% compared to September 2014, as compared with December, 2013, compared to October last year they grew by 5.2% and 4.5%, respectively. In the processing industry rates in October 2014 decreased by 0.4% compared with September 2014, but increased compared with December 2013 by 4% as compared with October last year grew by 4.9%.
In the energy sector rates in October 2014, were unchanged vs. the previous month and October of the last year, but increased by 0.1% compared with December 2013.