Tele2 Develops Its Retail Network
OREANDA-NEWS. Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, has summed up results of the retail chain development in January-September 2014. The total number of PoS where subscribers may connect to Tele2 exceeded 23 thou.
Tele2 single-brand network remains the company's key retail channel − it accounts for 44% of all subscriber connections over the reporting period. The operator is planning to increase a number of mobile supermarkets up to 650 by the end of 2014 and double the current number by 2015. A total number of Tele2 single-brand stores and mobile counters reached 1500 at the end of 3Q14.
In January-September 2014, the most wanted devices were smartphones priced at up to 4000 rubles and mobile phones valued at less than 1700 rubles. Explay, Nokia and Samsung are most demanded among buyers. Despite a large share of mobile phones (75%) on Tele2 network, smartphones are becoming more popular - they account for 25% of all sold devices.
Tele2 is successfully using the concept of online supermarket where a buyer may compile a package of mobile services on his own. A number of SIMs sold at increased by 44% in January-September 2014 compared to the same period last year.
Apart from single-brand stores and its online shop, Tele2 is also developing alternative channels. A number of Russian Post subdivisions selling Tele2 connection kits increased 4% since the beginning of the year. A number of connections via federal retail chains (Rospechat agency, Argumenty i Facty retail network, hyper- and supermarkets of Eldorado retail chain) remained flat against the same period last year.
Roman Volodin, Chief Commercial Officer at Tele2:
"The Tele2 retail strategy is focused on achieving better performance of every point of sale and attracting subscribers who actively use mobile services. For this purpose the company is building up an efficient retail network by combining various channels. Tele2 is improving its approach to sales at single-brand stores. We are planning to launch a special software product that will provide switching to entirely automatic and standard processes in sales. Apart from this, we are inclined to develop mutually beneficial cooperation with key players in different market segments."