OREANDA-NEWS. November 10, 2014. The Eighth International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange have finished their work at the Uzexpocenter in Tashkent.

The traditional forum of manufacturers, organized in accordance with “Measures to Further Reinforce the Intra-Sector and Inter-Sector Industrial Cooperation”, signed into decree by President Islam Karimov on 12 November 2007, has demonstrated once and again the achievements made by our country in the development of new types and dimensions of production with cashing in the local raw materials.

Assessing the demands of the industrial sectors, the participating enterprises of the Cooperation Exchange have had an opportunity to define in advance the prospects of evolution, to plan the production and shape orders on hand for their goods for the next calendar year.

In line with the tradition, the International Industrial Fair and the Cooperation Exchange have been organized in two stages. The first phase – from March to June this year – comprised provincial and sector-based industrial fairs. They offered platform for more than 3.8 thousand enterprises to present in excess of 19 thousand types of goods. The fairs helped conclude contractual agreements worth 890.5 billion soums for the supply of products in 2014 and for 260.2 million dollars for exports within industrial cooperation.

The second stage of industrial fair was attended by more than 1,700 Uzbek enterprises, companies and organizations, who presented over 20 thousand titles of finished products, components and materials in sectors like machine building and mechanical engineering, automotive industry, electrical engineering, construction materials industry, metalworking, the chemical, hydrocarbon, food and light industries, pharmaceuticals, among others.

It is noteworthy that in excess of a thousand types of exhibited products were launched from the start of the year as part of the 2014-2016 localization program of the production of finished goods, components and materials. The enterprises included in the list are granted customs and tax privileges and preferences till 1 January 2017. Thus, they are exempt from customs duties for imported technological equipment and spare parts for it, which facilitates the introduction of advanced foreign technologies and the development of domestic production.

“Import substitution and localization are becoming a key factor in the economic advancement of our country and they allow for the creation of new jobs, open up new opportunities for us the manufacturers,” says Saidjon Gadoev, deputy director of the JV Buhoro-Bahor in Bukhara Region. “Owing to the cooperation, our enterprise produces a diversity of washing and cleaning substances. We have found new partners at the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange.”

More than 70 factories of the Uzbekcharmpoyabzali Association of Leather and Footwear Enterprises have presented a new fashionable everyday and specialized footwear, sporting accessories, women’s bags and many other products. The quality, reasonable prices and beneficial offers have proved encouraging: at the industrial forum they struck long-term deals with Uzbek and foreign partners.

One should note in particular that procurement of equipment and machinery within the frameworks of the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange is carried out for all domestic consumers on the basis of direct agreements and without additional tenders.

In excess of 1,200 representatives of foreign firms and companies from nations like the United Kingdom, Germany, India, China, the Czech Republic, South Korea and dozens of others have been able to get familiar with the industrial potential of our country, sign numerous agreements for the purchase of goods produced in Uzbekistan. They have had a possibility at the same time to evaluate the prospects of setting up their own enterprise or a joint venture in Uzbekistan. One of the major advantages of the International Industrial Fair and the Cooperation Exchange for them became the fact that all the industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan specializing in various sectors of production were located in one premises.

The favorable investment climate created in our country serves as an important factor in the further enhancement of trade and economic ties with other nations and in the introduction of modern technologies into all spheres. Notably, a number of joint ventures have been effectively operating in the automotive industry. Thus, the attention of visitors to the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange was drawn to the expositions of the JV MAN Auto Uzbekistan and the SamAuto. They presented trucks, trailers, tractors, cranes, buses and shuttle buses as well as other products. In general, the exhibition of a dozen enterprises of the Uzavtosanoat joint stock-company has displayed to a complete extent the potential of the domestic automobile building industry, including in the manufacture of import substituting goods.

Extensive exposition was demonstrated by the enterprises of the Uzeltekhsanoat Association. The most celebrated among them are the Sino open stock-company, the Foton state unitary enterprise, Artel Group of Companies and others. Their stands appealed to many visitors and participants. And that was hardly surprising since the enterprises of the electro-technical industry have launched the production of intricate household and radio-technical goods in recent years, including modern models of televisions sets, household and industrial fridges, conditioning systems, stoves, vacuum cleaners, power saving lamps, electric kettles, irons, phones, among others.

For the seven days that the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange took place, 80 centralized presentations were held by major industrial enterprises and entities of small business and private entrepreneurship. The presentations of regions of the country offered detailed information on local resources, the development of industrial cooperation between small business and private entrepreneurship and the basic enterprises of the manufacturing industry.

All the events were held with the participation of specialists of ministries and other government agencies, insurance companies, banks, organizations specializing in the field of standardization and certification, who offered their qualified counsels.

In order to establish and develop business contacts, bolster entrepreneurship and innovation projects in the sector of material production, participants of the industrial fair were offered – in electronic and paper forms – the 2014-2015 catalogue of Uzbekistan’s industrial products that includes information on more than 2,300 enterprises of the country and the new import substituting and localized goods produced by them.

Every year, the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange facilitate the further elevation of the economic potential of our country and the consolidation of its external economic relations. The wide range and high quality of products offered here from the first hands, the opportunity to conclude mutually advantageous deals facilitate the fact that during the last year’s forum alone agreements were signed for 6.2 trillion soums for the purchase of goods within the industrial cooperation. In the meantime, the volumes of export contracts eached 6.3 billion US dollars. This year, growth by 1.4 times is projected in comparison to the sum of the last year’s agreements for the purchase of products and a more than 1.1 times increase in comparison to the sum of export contracts. All this constitutes a bright indication of the fact that the goods produced in Uzbekistan enjoy a great demand in the global market.