BASF Wolman GmbH with New Look and Feel
OREANDA-NEWS. BASF Wolman GmbH, the European market leader in wood protection, has officially launched its new corporate brand design during a two day customer symposium in Baden-Baden, Germany. About 90 global key customers and business partners attended the event.
The new design follows the recent name change of the legal entity from previously "Dr. Wolman GmbH" to "BASF Wolman GmbH" at the beginning of the year. It comprises of the red BASF color scheme and the reworked Wolman shield logo with a new graphical design element of yellow stripes in an interpretation of the traditional Wolman shield. With the new claim "Leading the Way in Wood Protection" Wolman underlines that it stands for scientific expertise, partnership, technical competence and problem solving skills as well as professional service and state of the art products.
"With the rejuvenated Wolman brand we are moving even closer to our parent company BASF and at the same time we are clearly demonstrating with confidence who we are and what we stand for", says Dr. Ralf Schulz, Vice President and Managing Director of BASF Wolman GmbH.
About 90 participants from 14 countries including China and Korea accepted Wolman's invitation to Baden-Baden. Delegates comprised of major players in the wood treatment and saw mill industry as well as representatives of research institutes, wood protection associations and the timber trade press. The program started with a visit at BASF SE corporate headquarters main site in Ludwigshafen. The delegates had the opportunity to visit a precursor plant for wood protection chemicals and get an impression of the largest integrated chemical production site worldwide.
Additionally, all participants also had the chance to visit the upgraded production and logistics facilities at the Wolman site in Sinzheim near Baden-Baden. During the symposium, Wolman then introduced its novel "AS Solution" product and service package - an innovative scientific method to economically minimize the risk of blue stain or mould on sawn timber, comprising of biological risk analysis, climate data and adjusted chemical dosing. "AS Solutions" is offered to saw mills and timber treaters and has been already launched with pilot customers.
The guiding topic of the symposium was Wolman's long term strategy to further increase its competitiveness and to sustainably grow in its core segments. The company focus is on Innovation in R&D, marketing and service offering, on investment in its future and on Integration into BASF's platform and brand strategy. The strategy is being implemented full steam, with the recent investments at the Sinzheim site and the migration into BASF's standard SAP system being prominent examples, that will substantially further improve Wolman's supply chain to even faster serve its customers and to smoothen the seasonal peaks. "The symposium marks a major milestone of our strategic journey to further underpin Wolman's claim "Leading the Way in Wood Protection" - we have been heavily investing into our brand, our strategy, our plants and the integration into the BASF systems - Wolman is ready to face the challenges of tomorrow", summarizes Schulz.