Munich Airport Presents Winter Timetable
OREANDA-NEWS. October 30, 2014. The new winter timetable, which takes effect, again offers passengers at Munich Airport a wide range of attractive routes to choose from.
A total of 225 destinations are available, including 192 with scheduled services. In addition to 15 cities in Germany and 127 continental routes, travellers will now have 50 intercontinental routes worldwide at their disposal. Airlines have booked slots for approximately 145,000 flights during the coming winter period, which will end on March 28, 2015.
Highlights in the intercontinental segment: With three new departures per week, Oman Air will upgrade its service to Muscat, the capital of Oman, to a daily flight.
Meanwhile, Mahan Air will make its debut at Munich Airport. The largest private airline in Iran will take off for Tehran twice a week starting on November 12, and three times a week as of March 2015. Lufthansa will once again offer flights to Miami this winter, starting with five departures a week for the "Sunshine State" at the beginning of December. This will be bumped up to a daily service over the Christmas holidays. In addition, Lufthansa will continue to operate the service to Mexico City launched this past summer over the winter period (five departures per
In the continental segment, the British carrier easyJet continues to expand its services in Munich: With the start of the winter timetable, the low-cost airline will depart four times a week for London-Luton. Travellers to the Italian metropolis of Milan will actually have the choice of 12 weekly flights.
The Russian-based Ural Airlines will substantially expand its service from Munich to Moscow's Domodedovo Airport from one to five flights a week. In addition, the airline will continue this winter to offer the service it began operating in the summer to the Russian city of Krasnodar (one weekly flight).