Krasny Kotelshchik Manufactures Equipment for Yakutskaya GRES-2
OREANDA-NEWS. The Taganrog boiler-making works "Krasny Kotelshchik", a member of the power plant concern Power Machines, has entered upon HRSG manufacturing for Yakutskaya GRES-2.
Let us recall that in the first quarter of 2014 OJSC Power Machines became the winner of the open two-stages tender for conclusion of the contract for supply of four sets of horizontal hot-water HRSGs for Yakutskaya GRES-2 under construction as per the results of rebidding. According to the Contract the power plant concern will provide the equipment supply, erection supervision, personnel training, and test performance complementary to equipment manufacturing. The HRSG supply shall be carried out during 9 months fr om the Contract conclusion.
Designing and manufacturing of four hot-water HRSGs with heat output of 38,1 Gcal/h per each are executed at the Taganrog boiler-making works "Krasny Kotelshchik". The design works have been finished by now.
The HRSGs manufactured by Krasny Kotelshchik are intended for operation in conditions of the Far North wh the air temperature in winter is 64°С and lower. Some additional demands are placed on the produced equipment due to the climatic peculiarities of Yakutskaya GRES-2 site. Thus, layout of the boilers and boiler auxiliaries is specified with specificity of foundation plate that is installed on stilts at an altitude of 3 m above the earth in conditions of permafrost. Structural concept applied while designing the HRSGs for Yakutskaya GRES-2 allowed to provide equipment should cost.
Yakutskaya GRES-2 (first phase) is one of four investment program projects of JSC RusHydro on construction of new power facilities on Far East being realized together with PJSC RAO Energy System of East in accordance with decree of the President of RF. Electric capacity of GRES first phase will amount to 193 MW, heat output - to 469 Gcal/h (with regard to peak water boiler). The new plant will allow to substitute retired capacities of the acting Yakutskaya GRES-2, to establish reserve capacity, and to increase reliability of consumer power supply.