Izhorskiye Zavody Ships VVER-1000 Reactor Vessel for Tiawan NPP
OREANDA-NEWS. Izhorskiye Zavody, as a part of OMZ Group, shipped the first VVER-1000 reactor vessel to the client for the second stage of Tianwan NPP (China).
Within the nearest time the device will be shipped from the cargo terminal of Izhorskiye Zavody in Ust-Slavyanka village to the Sea port of Saint-Petersburg. The shipment of the reactor vessel, because of its dimensions, represents a unique operation. The route of the special conveyor with the reactor vessel loaded on it on the way from Izhorskiye Zavody to the cargo terminal crosses rail tracks of Oktyabrskaya railroad twice. Consequently, on these areas of the railroad (Moscow and Murmansk routes of ORR) all rolling stock will be stopped for several hours, and overhead system wires will be suspended by special devices, so that any oversized cargo can pass under them. After that the cargo will be reloaded to the barge and delivered to the Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg, and from this point it will be sent by sea to the client to China.
Within the contract signed in 2010, Izhorskiye Zavody manufacture primary coolant equipment with VVER-1000 reactor for the third and fourth power units of Tianwan NPP. Earlier, in the spring of 2014 Izhorskiye Zavody completed the manufacture and shipped a set of four steam generator vessels for the third power unit of Tianwan NPP (China).
Izhorskiye Zavody carried out a manufacture and complex deliveries of primary cooling equipment for the first and second units of NPP. The first and second power units were commissioned in 2007. Tianwan NPP was built based on an improved Russian design, and, according to most of the experts, is the safest nuclear plant among those operating in the world. The high quality of the manufactured equipment is a guarantee of the further constructive cooperation of Izhorskiye Zavody with China partners.
Open Joint-Stock Company United Heavy Machinery Plants (Uralmash-Izhora Group) is one of the top companies in the heavy machine-building industry specializing in engineering, manufacturing, sales and servicing of equipment for nuclear energy sector, petrochemical and oil & gas industries, mining and in special steel making and the provision of industrial services. OMZ manufacturing facilities are located in Russia and the Czech Republic. The group is controlled by Gasprombank (Open Jont-Stock Company).