NSD Announces Results of Its Supervisory Board Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. On 16 October 2014, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia's central securities depository, was held.
The members of the Supervisory Board agreed on the early termination of the powers of Anatoly Lukashov and Anna Kuznetsova, members of the Customer Committee. Sergey Danilin, COO, Brokercreditservice Company LLC, and Igor Marich, Managing Director of Money Market, OJSC Moscow Exchange, were elected to the Committee to replace Mr. Lukashov and Ms. Kuznetsova.
In addition to this, the powers of Anatoly Lukashov as member of the Customer Committee for Settlement and Depository Services and Tariffs and Dmitry Koloskov as member of the Customer Committee for Registrar and Depository Relations were also terminated early.
Sergey Danilin, COO, Brokercreditservice Company LLC, was elected as member of the Customer Committee for Settlement and Depository Services and Tariffs. Alexey Vasilyev, Chief of IT Division, JSC "DRAGa", was elected as member of the Customer Committee for Registrar and Depository Relations.
NSD's Supervisory Board made a decision on preparation of a report on the company's corporate governance level.
Due to amended Regulations on organizing the internal control in credit organizations and banking groups #242-P issued by the Bank of Russia, the Supervisory Board approved the new version of the Regulations on NSD's Internal Audit Department and NSD's Internal Control Rules that will be put into effect after the Bank of Russia approves the Rules.
The Supervisory Board took into consideration the report of NSD's Controller of Professional Securities Market Participant for Q3 2014 and established an amount of NSD's auditor fee for audit of NSD's RAS and IFRS consolidated financial statements for 2014.