OREANDA-NEWS.  October 17, 2014. As of mid-October, it will only take one click for CFOs and treasurers to share BNP Paribas’ vision on cash management. A virtual business card showing BNP Paribas’ expertise: check the editorial features, tribunes, practical guides and case studies.

The new site focuses on the challenges of CFOs and corporate treasurers and the best solutions to address them. This medium highlights the bank’s vision, its network and expertise; the portal also supports the bank’s presence at key events such as EuroFinance, Sibos, Universwiftnet and the bank’s own yearly Cash Management University.

It is no coincidence BNP Paribas launches the site at the beginning of the EuroFinance Conference in Budapest. The Euromoney 2014 Survey has ranked BNP Paribas among the top 5 leading banks in international cash management, in addition to the bank already being ranked by Greenwich as the top European bank for cash management.

Expert viewpoints on Renminbi, collection factories, SEPA, reconciliation and international payments are available on the web portal, together with other hot topics showing how changes in our environment impact financial and treasury fields. The portal also contains practical tools like the BNP Paribas Atlas - that illustrates the bank’s unrivalled local footprint – as well as a collection of SEPA country guides.

The Cash Management Competence Centre that pioneered the initiative worked together with product managers and other internal experts. The launch of the portal is only the beginning of a long journey as content and interactivity will be incremented regularly over time, with the ultimate objective to create a worldwide cash management online community.

Although the main target group of the portal are treasurers of corporates and opinion makers, BNP Paribas’ expertise will also appeal to the medium-sized export oriented companies. The website is indeed an invitation to take a break and reflect on hot cash management topics.
Whatever your horizons, explore new frontiers. Join our cash management online community.