Rate of First Coupon for Bashkortostan's Bonds Set at 11.40%
OREANDA-NEWS. The order book was closed for the purchase of the Republic of Bashkortostan's year 2014 government bonded (internal) loan - certificated bearer securities with a fixed coupon yield and an amortised principal. The bond issue amounts to RUB 6 bln (government registration number of the issue is RU34009BAS0 from October 3, 2014). The bonds have a 4.5 year (1,638 day) maturity period.
The initial guidance range for the 1st coupon rate was 11.00-11.50% annually. During placement the guidance range was lowered to 11.20-11.40%. The rate of the first coupon was set at 11.40% annually. The rates for coupons 2-18 are equal to the 1st coupon rate.
The bonds have an amortised repayment structure: 15% of their nominal value will be redeemed on the dates of payment of the 7th, 10th and 15th coupons, 25% - on the date of payment of the 12th coupon, and 30% - on the date of payment of the 18th coupon. The nominal value of one bond is equal to 1,000 roubles.
During book building, 34 investor bids were received. Total demand exceeded the nominal volume of the issue by almost 2 times and amounted to over RUB 10 bln. The issuer decided to accept 30 bids to a total of RUB 6 bln.
The technical placement of the issue is planned for October 16, 2014 and will be a public offering on the MICEX Stock Exchange. Organisers: Sberbank CIB, VTB Capital.