E.ON Achieves More Output from Wind Turbines through GE's Services
OREANDA-NEWS. GE (NYSE: GE) announced that E.ON has achieved up to four percent more power output from the first 283 of 469 GE 1.5-77 wind turbines enrolled in GE's Wind PowerUp services, a customized software-enabled platform that increases a wind farm's output by up to 5 percent, taking into account environmental and site conditions. This increased output represents more than 40 GW/h of additional energy production.
E.ON has enrolled a total of 469 wind turbines in the service since GE's PowerUp services launched in 2013 and, once validated, could reach a projected increase of 87 GW/h of additional energy production across all turbines, or the equivalent of adding 19 GE wind turbines to E.ON's fleet, based on performance extrapolations. This production increase could be enough equivalent energy to power 8,000 American homes for a year.
"E.ON is always innovating, and we are happy that GE's PowerUp technology has made some of our best wind farms even better," said Patrick Woodson, chairman, E.ON North America. "Advancements in wind energy technology, like PowerUp services, will continue to make renewable energy even more competitive in the energy market."