E4-SibCOTES Puts into Operation Unique Unit at Abakan CHP Plant
OREANDA-NEWS. 136 MW power unit constructed on the design of E4-SibCOTES was put into operation at Abakan CHP plant.
Eugene Russkikh, the Director General of the Company, emphasizes the unique technological decision applied at the power station: "The dry ash-and-slag removal system provided by our project plays an important role in the reduction of negative environmental impacts. The dry ash-and-slag removal unit is introduced in Russia for the first time. The state-of-the-art equipment for coal firing and flue gas cleaning ensures a considerable decrease in specific pollution emission".
The new power unit is constructed in a separate main building of Abakan CHP plant in compliance with the most advanced standards. 136 MW power unit includes turbine T-125/136-12,8-8MO manufactured by OJSC Ural Turbine Plant, turbine generator TVF-125-2UZ manufactured by OJSC ELSIB, steam boiler E-500-13,8-560 BT manufactured by OJSC Sibenergomash that are characterized by high reliability and efficiency. According to the project the existing process water supply system is reconstructed that will allow CHP plant to produce power at full capacity - 406 MW.
In compliance with the project E4-SibCOTES constructed two cooling towers BG-1600, a circulating pump station, a building for group control panels, a fuel supply rack, a locomotive depot at the power station. The new power unit is equipped with the state-of-the-art APCS, the structured monitoring and control system for MEP systems of buildings and structures (engineering systems monitoring).
The project is of great importance for the social and economic development of the capital of the Republic of Khakassia and the region on the whole. New capacities will provide heat and power to residential estates actively constructed in Abakan today as well as to industrial enterprises.