RRDB again Finances Administrations of Russian Regions
OREANDA-NEWS. The All-Russia bank of development of regions became the winner of three auctions of the Omsk administration.
RRDB will extend to the city administration three credit facilities for a total one-time liability of up to 1 billion rubles repayable within 1 year.
The Omsk municipal administration is a long-time partner of RRDB with a positive credit history. The borrowed funds are planned to be used for financing the deficit of the municipal budget and repayment of municipal liabilities.
RRDB finances administrations and municipalities of the Russian Federation within the framework of its strategy of support of regions.
In August the bank won ten auctions for extending credits to the Nizhniy Novgorod region for a total of 3.95 billion rubles, and also to the Ministry of finance of the Tula region to offer a credit facility of 100 million rubles.