Quadra Continues to Prepare for Heating Season in Attended Regions
OREANDA-NEWS. Active preparation for the upcoming heating season continues to be held at the facilities of the company “Quadra - Power Generation” in the regions of its presence. The main purpose of the repair campaign is to ensure reliable operation of energy equipment and power supply of consumers. In 2014, JSC “Quadra - Power Generation” plans to allocate over RUR 2.2 bn for the repairs of generating and heating grid equipment.
In accordance with the repairs program, the company “Quadra - Power Generation” will perform overhaul and medium repairs of 14 turbine units, 17 steam and 8 water heating boilers prior to the beginning of the heating season. Besides, as part of the repair program, energy specialists will replace more than 56 km of old heating grids (in terms of one-pipe length) with the use of modern insulating materials.
“Repairs of generating equipment and heating systems are conducted throughout the year, but the main amount of the work is carried out in summer. Now routine repairs of 47 water heating and 77 steam boilers, overhauls of 6 water heating and 8 steam boilers, and one turbine have been completed; 13.7 km of heat grids have been replaced. Besides, within the framework of preparation of energy facilities in the winter period, the stocks of reserve fuel - fuel oil and coal - have been created,” Vyacheslav Kostin, chief engineer of JSC “Quadra - Power Generation” said.
This year's major repairs of the generating equipment performed by “Quadra - Power Generation” include the following: overhaul of turbine unit #8 of 110 MW in capacity at the Tambov HPP, GTU #2 of 30 MW, GT HPP “Luch” in Belgorod with replacement of elements of the hot part, and overhaul of boiler unit #5 of steam output equal to 500 t/h at the Smolensk HPP-2. The large projects for the replacement of heating systems include the replacement of 343 m of the heating system by the pipes in polyurethane foam insulation along Sennaya and Shevchenko Streets in Smolensk, and 915 m of heating systems along Admirala Makarova, Industrialnaya and 50 Let Oktyabrya Streets in Lipetsk.