Team IndianOil R&D Kickstarts Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
OREANDA-NEWS. Led by Mr. BP Das, ED i/c, R&D Centre, Team IndianOil R&D kickstarted the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan with full vigour and enthusiasm along the boundary wall of IndianOil R&D Centre in Faridabad and both sides of main road. Families of IOCians participated. Rich tributes were offered to Mahatma Gandhi by those gathered on Gandhi Jayanti. Administering the swatchchta shapath, Mr. Das urged the IOCians to take it with heart and implement it with full intent to achieve a clean India. He emphasized on following the principles of Mahatma Gandhi. He also urged the gathering to dedicate atleast 100 hours per year towards the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
Thereafter, hundreds of people fanned out from the gates of the R&D Centre for the cleanliness drive to clean the road and periphery of the R&D campus. Coconuts were broken to herald the drive. Armed with brooms, tackles and other implements, team R&D - comprising of employees, their spouses and children - removed litter and scattered heaps of garbage, swept dust, and left no stone unturned to ensure that their workplace and its surroundings are squeaky clean.
In the run-up to this flag-off, the IOCians at R&D Centre have been cleaning their work stations, laboratories, as well as all public spaces inside the R&D Centre that included canteen, roads and toilets. An awareness workshop and a free health camp were also organised on 1st October 2014 for the contract and healthcare workers in the R&D Centre.
Concluding on 30th October 2014, in the first phase of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Team IndianOil R&D will undertake several activities including those involving families, children as well as communities and schools in the nearby areas of IndianOil R&D Centre.