Uzbekistan Intends to Increase GDP Per Capita to USD 9,300 by 2030
OREANDA-NEWS. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov delivered a speech at the General Debates of the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly and said the conflicts should be solved by political way and peaceful means. He also said that by 2030 Uzbekistan intends to increase the GDP per capita to USD 9,300.
"I would like to speak about some most important issues on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly. First, the growing regional and international security challenges and threats, escalating conflicts and wars, aggravation of geopolitical confrontation between the large "centers of power" capable to lead to the new spots of tension in the world and exacerbate addressing the ongoing global financial-economic crisis now raise a serious alarm and deep concern," Uzbek minister said.
"Uzbekistan firmly believes that tackling any acute contradictions and confrontations is possible only by political way and peaceful means given strict observance of fundamental principles of international law enshrined in the United Nations Charter," he added.
"The persisting instability in Afghanistan which exhibits a tendency to further escalate poses a serious threat to stability and security of Central Asia and greater region. In the unfolding situation the accelerated drawdown of the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) may turn to be counterproductive, and this can yet more complicate the state of affairs in Afghanistan," Kamilov noted.
"Today one can say with confidence that all interested parties in resolving the Afghan problem are unanimous in one opinion - there is no military way to achieve peace in Afghanistan. President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov stated about this yet in 2008 at the NATO Summit in Bucharest and in 2010 - at the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Summit," he said.
"The presidential elections in Afghanistan this year have vividly demonstrated that the Afghan people are tired of bloodshed and violence, long standing misery and devastation, and today they wish peace and stability, and enjoy a right to define their fate on their own," Uzbek Foreign Minister stated.
"The only reasonable way to tackle the Afghan problem is to search for a political settlement of the conflict through peaceful negotiations and achieving consensus, establishing a coalition government in which there would be represented all confronting parties, national and religious groups of Afghanistan," Abdulaziz Kamilov underlined.
"Uzbekistan adheres to the policy of non-interference in internal affairs of Afghanistan. Uzbekistan builds and will develop the stable and friendly relations with Afghanistan proceeding from the national interests of both countries and exclusively on bilateral basis rendering support to the very government elected by the people of Afghanistan," he said.
"Second, in the conditions of ongoing global financial- economic crisis, transport and communication development and strengthening of regional economic cooperation are one of the key conditions to ensure stability and sustainable development of Central Asia," Kamilov stated.
"The implementation of large infrastructure projects in the transport and communication sphere which connect our region with global markets will promote the interregional trade and economic cooperation, attraction of investments, development of social and industrial infrastructure, as well as steady progress of neighboring regions," he said.
"Firstly, we speak about such projects as the International transport corridor "Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman" which will link the countries of Central Asia with Middle East through the shortest, reliable and secure route," minister said.
"Uzbekistan's assistance to construction of the railroad route "Khairaton-Mazaree-Sharif" - the first and so far the only functioning railroad linking Afghanistan with external world - became historically landmark event," he added.
"Third, today when the states of Central Asia, as much as many other countries of the world, are experiencing the growing shortage of water resources the fair and reasonable use of water resources of transboundary rivers of Amudarya and Syrdarya becomes an extremely important for the life support and well-being of the population of Central Asia," Minister said.
"Uzbekistan firmly adheres to the principle position that the issues of reasonable use of water resources of transboundary rivers of Central Asia must be resolved in line with universally recognized norms of international law and in the framework of relevant UN conventions on the use of international watercourses which clearly define the principles of preventing damage to the environment and interests of neighboring countries," Uzbek minister added.
"We believe it is unacceptable that certain countries of the region promote the projects of construction of large hydropower stations with gigantic dams without conducting an international, truly independent, unprejudiced and professional expert examination," Abdulaziz Kamilov added.
"The implementation of such projects without a thorough analysis of the entire spectrum of their repercussions may disturb the natural flow of transboundary rivers creating a threat to the water, food and environmental safety of Central Asia. It may lead to the growth of tension and conflict potential in the region. The construction of such grandiose hydro-technical facilities in a high- mountain and highly seismic zone with a possibility of earthquakes of 9 and higher magnitude may create a threat of devastating man- made catastrophe," Uzbek minister said.
"I would like to underscore that in the conditions of aggravating ecologic problems the growing number of countries in the world refuse the construction of gigantic dams and opt for small and medium-size hydropower stations which do not cause damage to the environment, safety or social-economic well-being of the population," he added.
"Fourth, a dynamic development of the economy and modernization of all spheres of the country's life allow Uzbekistan to ensure implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals ahead of schedule," Kamilov stated.
"For over the years of independence Uzbekistan's economy grew almost five-fold and per capita income increased 8.7 times. This testifies to the growth of the level and quality of life.