OREANDA-NEWS. September 12, 2014. Annual investment conference Russia: The Inside Track came to an end. This is the third time that Sberbank CIB has held the event in London.

This year it was attended by a record number of participants from Europe, the US, Russia, the Middle East and Asia – 350 in total. Among them were top managers from 44 companies and over 200 representatives of the investment community, including portfolio managers and analysts from some of the largest global investment funds such as Aberdeen AM, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Barings AM, Blackrock, Capital International, Fidelity, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, PIMCO, and Schroders.

Sberbank CIB’s delegation at the conference was made up of Maxim Poletaev, First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank; Denis Bugrov, Senior Vice-President and Member of the Executive Board of Sberbank; Alexander Bazarov, Senior Vice-President and Member of the Executive Board of Sberbank, Acting Head of Sberbank CIB and over 30 senior managers from Sberbank CIB.

Over the two days of the conference more than 600 meetings were held between representatives of corporations, investment funds and financial institutions. The event also included presentations by key speakers: Dr Dmitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, Mikhail Burmistrov, General Director of information agency INFOLine-Analitika, and Mikhail Kovrigin, Director of the Systemically Important Banks Supervision Department at the Central Bank of Russia.

“This year Russia: The Inside Track enjoyed increased interest from both investors and issuers, having proved to be a venue for open and constructive discussion between partners. We are especially pleased to receive positive feedback about the event from those who participated,” commented Alexander Bazarov, Senior Vice-President and Member of the Executive Board of Sberbank, Acting Head of Sberbank CIB. “Now, more than ever before, it is vital to maintain dialogue because only joint efforts make it possible to find opportunities and the potential for future development and realisation of mutually beneficial plans.”