OREANDA-NEWS. September 05, 2014.
Election of Deputy BoD Chairperson 
The Board of Directors has elected Yakov Savelyevich Tesis the Deputy BoD Chairperson.
Approval of the Company's internal documents
The Board of Directors has approved the Policy for Public, Customer and Government Relations. The document establishes the goals, objectives, guidelines, evolution priorities and doctrines for public, customer, government relations as well as relations with other stakeholders with a view to achieve targets set forth by the Russian Grids Evolution Strategy approved by Russian Government Decree #511-r dd. 03.04.2013.
Internal Control and Risk Management System
The Board of Directors has determined the perfection of the IC&RM system and evolution of internal audit as a Company's priority. To adequately meet new requirements and internal and external challenges, to improve the internal control system of the company and review of principles used for the build-up of internal audit, internal control and risk management system as well as benchmarks and milestones, the BoD members also approved the Risk Management Policy in a new version and Internal Audit Policy.
Besides, the Board of Directors has approved a report on 2Q 2014 insurance coverage as well as an action plan on the decrease of overdue transmission receivables and reconciliation as of 01.07.2014. The BoD has also adopted resolutions on the termination of powers and election of members of the Central Procurement Body, approval of the HQ organization structure, approval of overlapping of positions occupied by the MB members in management bodies of other companies and other issues.