New Generation of Power Engineers Receive Awards from TGC-1
OREANDA-NEWS. On August 28, 2014 at the Head Office of JSC TGC-1 the award ceremony took place for the winners of the Tenth Annual Competition of graduation projects of higher education institutions of the Northwest.
At the award ceremony the students and teachers were greeted by the Chairman of the expert committee, Deputy General Director for Development of JSC TGC-1 Edward Lisitsky. He noted the high level of the projects and gave advice, taking into account the development trends of the industry.
- It is necessary to carefully monitor the changes in the energy industry. Currently, of particular relevance are the projects aimed at the withdrawal of inefficient capacities, their optimization, construction of replacement and compensating facilities, - said Edward Lisitsky. - When solving such problems, one should be aware that generating facilities are incorporated into the infrastructure. Designing requires non-standard solutions. Other important directions of activity are automation of technological processes, modernization of APCS on a national program basis, environmental progress.
This year, for judgment by the expert committee 48 student projects were submitted from five leading power engineering universities of the Northwest.
The largest number of applications was received in the category "Heat Power Plants". In the highly competitive environment the graduation project of Olga Lazarkova, a student of the Petrozavodsk State University, was recognized as the best. The project is dedicated to the development of measures to prevent ignition of auxiliary grid cable lines of Petrozavodskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1. The jury appreciated the practical value of the development.
A serious battle unfolded in the nomination "Automation and information technologies in the energy industry". Several works by students of Ivanovo State Power University were worthy of victory. The expert jury could not determine the best project and established two first places. Valentina Krylova and Ksenia Egorova were determined as the winners.
The students received their awards from the hands of the Deputy General Director for Economy and Finance of JSC TGC-1, Michael Tuznikov. He thanked the students for their participation in the competition and expressed his confidence that today's winners will be able to join the ranks of the Company's employees in the future.
After the event, members of staff of JSC TGC-1 conducted an interview with all the award winners of the competition, interested in the further work at the Company.