Tata Power's Haldia Plant Organizes Emergency Aid Training for Workers
OREANDA-NEWS. Tata Power, India's largest integrated power company, has always undertaken initiatives to promote safety and wellbeing amongst its workers and communities. In line with this commitment, Tata Power's Haldia division, in collaboration with Fortis Hospital Kolkata, organised an Emergency First- Aid and CPR training for its workers and stakeholders.
When it comes to achieving world-class health and safety performance, there's no room for compromise in Tata power. The Company organised this training with the sole objective of educating its employees, contract workmen, vendors and security personnel about the importance of first aid in emergency situations and how it can help minimise a casualty's damage and aid their recovery. An experienced team of doctors and paramedics explained the basic know-how of first-aid to the workers, and educated them about the importance of timely first-aid to prevent medical mishaps. The team of doctors also held mock practice sessions to demonstrate how to bandage victims in cases of fracture and accident, perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and treat injuries and burns.
Speaking about the initiative, Mr. Abhijit Ain Das, Chief, Haldia Division, said, “We, at Tata Power, are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace to our workers. Initiatives such as this are important to ensure that the workers are armed with the required medical know-how during emergency situations. Organising such workshops will definitely help our workers to learn about the various aspects of first aid and take the needed measures during emergencies.” The initiative was inaugurated by Plant Safety Head of Haldia and the representative of Fortis Hospital, Kolkata. Before starting the training programme, the Safety Head also informed the workers about the various safety measures and statistics of the Haldia division.