IZ-KARTEX Puts Laser Tracker into Operation
OREANDA-NEWS. IZ-КАRTEX named after P.G. Korobkov, part of OMZ Group, put into operation an API Radian laser tracker produced by Automated Precision Inc.
API Radian is a high precision tracker aimed at controlling accuracy of production of parts and large scale units, calibration of lathes and coordinating measuring machines, high precision dimension control and alignment of large scale objects. The tracker allows to measure object's surface within a radius of 20 meters with scanning speed of 1000 pts/s. The obtained data can be used to create a 3D-model of an object.
Implementation of laser tracking system is one of the ways to expand IZ-KARTEX production capabilities, enhance quality of products and services. IZ-KARTEX experts plan to use API Radian laser tracker together with projectors to control and lay out large scale parts and units for further mechanical processing and assembly.
The equipment was purchased under the programme for production re-equipment and modernisation at IZ-KARTEX carried out with support Gazprombank, the Group's financial partner.
IZ-KARTEX named after P.G. Korobkov LTD was established in 2005 as a successor to Izhorskie Zavody shovel production. Today the company is the largest electric shovel manufacturer in Russia and CIS.
Open Joint-Stock Company United Heavy Machinery Plants (Uralmash-Izhora Group) is one of the top companies in the heavy machine-building industry specializing in engineering, manufacturing, sales and servicing of equipment for nuclear energy sector, petrochemical and oil & gas industries, mining and in special steel making and the provision of industrial services. OMZ manufacturing facilities are located in Russia and the Czech Republic. The group is controlled by Gasprombank (Open Jont-Stock Company).