ABLV Pays Coupon Payment under Bonds
OREANDA-NEWS. On 18th of August, 2014, coupons under ABLV FXD USD 170216 (LV0000801298) un ABLV FXD EUR 170216 (LV0000801306) bonds were paid out according to the following parameters:
ABLV FXD USD 170216 (ISIN LV0000801298):
Coupon period: 17.02.2014 - 16.08.2014
Date of coupon payment: 17.08.2014 (due to weekend, coupon was actually paid on 18.08.2014)
Coupon rate: 1.975% per annum
ABLV FXD EUR 170216 (ISIN LV0000801306):
Coupon period: 17.02.2014 - 16.08.2014
Date of coupon payment: 17.08.2014 (due to weekend, coupon was actually paid on 18.08.2014)
Coupon rate: 1.975% per annum
Coupon payments were transferred to clients' cash accounts. At the moment of coupon payment, income tax was withheld by the bank in accordance with the Law on Enterprise Income Tax and the Law on Personal Income Tax.