Expocentre: Rich Events Programme Is Ready for Consumexpo 2014
OREANDA-NEWS. One of the advantages of the 30th International Exhibition for Consumer Goods Consumexpo 2014. Autumn will be its rich programme of business-related events. The exhibition will run at Expocentre from September 2 to 4.
During the show the exhibitors and industry visitors will be able to take part in conferences, seminars, master classes, presentations and discussions for specialists. Each event scheduled will enable them to enhance their business performance, learn about new innovative techniques and share experience.
Thus, the best industry experts will discuss successful practices and effective tools for promoting goods and services via the Internet at the 10th Conference on Day of Internet Advertising: Effective Promotion Tools.
The names of other forthcoming events speak for themselves. There will run
10th session on Licensing and Franchising: Off-the-Shelf Business Solutions, project on Youth Business: Getting a Business Up and Running Quickly. Selecting a Business Model;
master class on Merchandising Decorative Objects in a Shop;
session on Managing a Retail Shop amid Declining Demand and Economic Turbulence;
business seminar on Streamlined Business Processes and Smart Salary Policy by Sergei Sychyov;
seminar on 2016 Trends. Industrial Design;
seminar on Safe Tax Practices for SMEs: Legal Ways to Reduce Risks and other events.
Business Contacts Exchange, Specialists' Contacts Exchange (Labour Exchange) and Customs Clearance Advisory Centre will be available for exhibitors and visitors to the trade show.
Specialists can participate in the competitions for the Best Online Store for a Buyer and the Best Website for a Buyer, as well as the 11th International Quality of Consumer Goods competition.
Over 200 companies from Belarus, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russian, and Spain will participate in Consumexpo 2014. Autumn. They will showcase their novelties in a wide range of consumer goods: from goods for home, dishware, and souvenirs to gifts and home decoration.