OREANDA-NEWS. Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO) the industry body responsible for the reporting and monitoring of viewing behaviour in the Netherlands has awarded Kantar Media a four year contract for the provision of cross platform ratings.

According to the contract Kantar Media will gather for SKO data concerning all video viewing on PCs, laptops, tablets and mobiles, whether via browser or app, streamed or on demand. This data, integrated daily with census data for online TV, video and commercials, will produce a comprehensive view of multi-channel video consumption. The first results will be available on the Dutch media market in September 2015.

Kantar Media's measurement technology will be deployed on a TNS NIPO panel of 3,000 individuals aged 6+. Kantar Media uses javascript tags embedded on the website, application or video, with the help of which will the information about the audience of the content will be collected.

Richard Asquith, Global CEO at Kantar Media Audiences commented: "We are convinced that hybrid systems, which integrate data from several complementary sources, are the future for TV audience measurement. Our ongoing investment in developing robust, innovative solutions to link representative panel data with large scale behavioural information is central to this vision of the future. We are delighted that SKO has the same view and recognises our technology and expertise in this area. We look forward to partnering with SKO to make their ground-breaking new service a reality.”