Journalist: Muscovites Will Part Reluctantly with Dairy & Canned Fish
OREANDA-NEWS. August 12, 2014. The Estonian products Russians will miss the most in the next year will be dairy products and tinned smoked sprats, said journalist Krister Paris, a former Moscow resident from his days as ERR's Russia correspondent.
"At least in Moscow, you won't find dairy products of that quality," said Paris in a piece in the Eesti Paevaleht daily following the Kremlin's one-year ban on Western meat, dairy and produce.
Other Estonian products that sell well in Russia are soup in glass jars and Russian-style pelmeni, which Paris said local industry has not been able to produce in mass quantities at a consistent quality.
Paris characterized modern Russia as a time-strapped society where the "microwave oven is king," used to defrost food made ahead on the weekends or store-bought convenience foods.
"We've talked to people who say that Moscow has large shoppers' clubs who pool orders for high-quality, good foodstuffs from Estonia," Paris also wrote. But Paris acknowledged that it's not as if Estonian products are everywhere in Moscow shops; it's rare to find to find them in major quantities.