4 Audits Carried Out at BMZ
OREANDA-NEWS. August 12, 2014. The representatives of Machindra, Heine-Beisswenger (Germany) carried out the technical audit of hot rolled round bars production in accordance with requirements of ISO/TS 16949 and VDA 6.3 standards with participation of representatives of company “Belastahl ”.
Within period from 07.07.2014 to 08.07.2014 the representatives of company “Pirelli” (Russsia) carried out the technical audit of wire production in accordance with requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2009 standard with participation of representatives of company “Kronos”.
Within period from 09.07.2014 to 10.07.2014 the representatives of company “Interpipe NIKO TUBE (Ukraine) carried out the technical audit of technology production capability of OJSC “BSW-management company “BMC” holding as a supplier of rolled products.
The representatives of firm “KIWA” (Holland) carried out the inspection audit to attest conformity certificates production of steel bar for concrete reinforcement grade B500B and cold deformed reinforcing grade wire B500A that comply with requirements of standards BRL 0501-2010 and NEN 6008-2008.
The representatives of audit firms paid attention to showed flexibility in joint work, good organization, efficiency in required reporting and absolute transparence.
The advantages of BMZ were also noted: the availability of working management system focused on the customer's needs, the application of new technologies in practice (defect visualization of finished and semi-finished product, 8D and Poka-Yoke), qualitative work at social responsibility (training and education, motivation and analysis of personnel satisfaction).
During the audit the specialists showed up the spheres of company's activities improvement, determined joint tasks and discussed also further collaboration.