KazTransOil Participates in International Contest
OREANDA-NEWS. The finalists of the “Best in Profession” contest of “KazTransOil” JSC are competing to become the best within the international competition of professional skills in Mozyr, Belarus.
Today, “Mozyr” LPDS branch of Belarusian oil transportation company “Gomeltransneft Druzhba” OJSC launched the “Best in Profession” international competition, which is attended by teams of oil pipeline experts of largest oil transport companies from four countries: Russia (“Transneft” OJSC and “Caspian Pipeline Consortium”), Kazakhstan (“KazTransOil” JSC), Ukraine (“Uktransnafta” PJSC) and Belarus (“Gomeltransneft Druzhba” OJSC). Within two days the participants will compete in professionalism before the Tender Commission announces the results of the labor competition.
The history of the international competition among representatives of oil pipeline companies goes back as many as 11 years. Initially, only representatives of Russia and Kazakhstan were competing for the title of the best, and then they were joined by participants from Ukraine and Belarus.
This year, 35 best representatives of working professions came to the old Belarusian city on the Pripyat River to compete for the title of the best in their profession. Eight specialties compete: loading operators, operators of pumping stations, linear pipefitters, electric and gas welders, chemists, mechanics for repair and maintenance of technological equipment, mechanics for instrumentation and control and electricians for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.
The participants will be assessed according to several criteria, including professionalism, the level of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, compliance with the rules of occupational health and safety, etc.
Many Kazakhstanis come to the contest not for the first time, but young specialists are also very successful along with experienced professionals. All of them have gone a long path of selection and won the “Best in Profession” competition among the employees of “KazTransOil” JSC. At the first stage of the contest the workers of oil pipeline offices were competing among each other, the second stage took place inside the company branches, while the third round in June this year in the city of Atyrau allowed determining the best in the company as a whole.
Annual competitions of professional skills are one of the most important elements of HR policy of “KazTransOil” JSC not only to raise the prestige of a working profession, but also the level of knowledge and skills. The company works hard to improve the professionalism of its employees, all of them are regularly trained improving their qualifications.
To meet this goal, the Western branch of the company has been operating the Training Center of “KazTransOil” JSC for more than 20 years. Every year it trains up to two thousand people that improve their working skills at the expense of the company. Moreover, targeted training and retraining of the company staff is also done in other specialized and higher institutions within the country and abroad.