BUCE Holds Meeting with Iran Ambassador to Belarus
OREANDA-NEWS. On July 23, 2014 Mohammad Reza Sabouri, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Belarus, visited the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE). The main goal of the visit was to discuss topical issues of cooperation between the Iranian embassy in Belarus and BUCE.
During the meeting with Arkadi Salikov, Chairman of the BUCE Board, the Iranian diplomat got familiar with BUCE's general operating principles, main business areas as well as key advantages and peculiarities of using the exchange trade mechanism to execute export and import transactions.
Speaking about BUCE's foreign economic activity, Arkadi Salikov noted that today there are all prerequisites for closer interaction with Iran in the field of exchange trade. Thus, two years ago BUCE and Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) signed a memorandum of cooperation providing for an active information exchange and joint efforts aimed at facilitation of access of Belarusian companies to the Iranian market and vice versa. However, this document is clearly not enough to fully harness the potential of bilateral relations. In this regard, the support of Iran's embassy in Belarus can become a powerful incentive for intensification of cooperation with IME and accreditation of new Iranian companies at BUCE electronic platforms.
Mr. Mohammad Reza Sabouri agreed to help BUCE with promotion of its services in Iran. In particular, there are plans to post information about the exchange on the embassy's website and forward all commercial offers and bids from Iranian companies to BUCE. In addition, the Ambassador invited BUCE representatives to participate in the forthcoming session of the Belarusian-Iranian trade and economic commission. According to him, this event will be instrumental for dissemination of information about BUCE within the Iranian business community and help bolster the Belarusian-Iranian inter-exchange cooperation