Expert RA Upgrades D2 Insurance Reliability Rating
OREANDA-NEWS. Expert RA Rating Agency (RAEX) upgraded D2 Insurance Insurance Company reliability rating sublevel to the first one, having maintained the reliability rating A, which means high level of reliability. Change of the rating outlook from stable to positive means high probability of increase of the rating in the mid-term. Previously the Company had an A rating with the second sublevel and the stable outlook.
Among positive factors one can name high values of the current liquidity ratio and corrected insurance net liquidity, substantial deviation of the actual solvency margin from the standard, low ratio of accounts receivable and accounts payable to the assets of the company, high profitability of assets and equity capital.
Higher rating can not be assigned due to high ratio of borrowed funds to the equity capital, high share of affiliated counterparties and subsidiaries in the investments and too low growth rate of premiums. Expert RA is Russian rating agency working on a global scale, incorporated in 1997 by Expert magazine. Expert RA was evaluated and certified as satisfying to ISO 9001:2008 demands in the following areas: assigning and actualizing expert assessments; analysis of markets and companies, survey activity; organization of business-forums, conferences and round tables. Rating methods were approved by leading international audit-consultation companies: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte. Procedural quality and information confidentiality principles are confirmed by Accenture.
Expert RA is accredited at the RF Ministry of Finance. The Agency ratings are included in the list of official requirements to banks, insurers, pension funds, issuers. Expert RA ratings have been officially recognized by FSFM, Central Bank of Russia, Vnesheconombank of Russia, MICEX-RTS, Mortgage Crediting Agency, Deposit Insurance Agency, professional associations and self-regulating organizations: VSS, Russia Association, Strategic Initiative Agency, RSA, NAPF, NLU, NSG, NFA, and hundreds of companies and agencies in the period of bids and tenders.
By now the Agency assigned about 800 individual ratings. Expert RA is the largest rating agency in Russia and CIS, it tops the list of other Russian and foreign agencies by a number of ratings assigned to banks and companies in CIS countries. Expert RA is the first (36%) at the market of legal entity credit risks, the first at the bank rating market; the first (85%) at the market of credibility ratings, assigned to Russian insurance companies in Russia.
In 2013 Expert RA expanded its portfolio to include sovereign ratings, as well as international scale for private, bank, sub-federal and municipal lenders. The Agency also employs locally accepted standards to issue ratings in countries where it has own branches (Kazakhstan and Belarus).