BVP and Blagoveshchensk District Sign Ecological Cooperation Agreement
OREANDA-NEWS. Blagoveshchensk Valves Plant (BVP, based in the Republic of Bashkortostan, part of United Metallurgical Company, OMK CJSC, Moscow) has signed a cooperation and interaction agreement with the administration of the Blagoveshchensk District.
The aim of the document is to secure ecological cooperation, improve quality of life, and to increase the civil activity of the district's population and its involvement in environment protection issues.
"The agreement boosts the ecological efforts of the district's leading factories. Environment protection is a top priority for our factory. OMK is introducing advanced ecological programs at all of its affiliates. One of those programs is 'Zero Impact on the Environment.' Such measures will help improve the district's environmental condition," said Alexander Kozhevnikov, BVP's Managing Director.