OREANDA-NEWS. July 02, 2014. JSC TATNEFT has been awarded prestigious nationwide awards: the Company and its General Director Nail Maganov have been awarded two diplomas of the National Environmental Award for 2014.

The Company received a diploma for "Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Report" in the category "Accounting for sustainable development and environmental management" and for the project "Development of regional environmental quality standards" (soil quality) was awarded in the category "Industrial Ecology".

The contest for the "National Environmental Award" is conducted to identify and encourage effective engineering developments in the field of energy and resource saving, cleaner production, environmental education, social initiatives, as well as to attract public attention to the issues of environmental protection and elaboration of sustainable development principles in Russia.

The National Environmental Award Partners include the Russian Ecological Union, "Rosecopress" Association, "GLOBE - Russia", "Greenpeace - Russia", RAS Institute of Water Problems, RAS Institute of  Environmental Geology, National Environmental Auditing Chamber, etc.

The award is intended to promote investments in environmentally oriented Russian and foreign technologies; exchange of experience and involvement of the civilized business in resolving the issues of sustainable development of the world community, as well as to increase civil society activity in solving environmental problems.