OREANDA-NEWS. July 02, 2014. Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE: MRO) announced it has published its "2013 Living Our Values Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report," an annual report that provides information on the Company's non-financial performance and its efforts to promote greater economic, social and environmental sustainability.

The new report highlights the Company's unwavering commitment to living its long-standing core values of health and safety, environmental stewardship, openness and honesty, strong community partnerships and an engaged, solution-driven workforce.

"To support our business activities and put our values into action, Marathon Oil sets corporate-level CSR commitments that our local asset teams are responsible for achieving," said Lee M. Tillman, Marathon Oil's president and CEO. "Local operations work with key stakeholders to identify specific impacts and issues and then implement CSR programs to address them. This integrated, solution-driven approach ensures that CSR programs help us build relationships, meet the most critical needs and deliver real benefits locally."

Marathon Oil has adopted eight corporate-level commitments covering governance, society, environment and the workplace. For each commitment, the report outlines progress made in 2013 and primary activities planned for 2014. Responding to stakeholder feedback, this year's report includes enhanced transparency and reporting for environmental performance.

Again this year, the report is available in a digital-only format at http://www.marathonoil.com/lov2013/.