OREANDA-NEWS. July 02, 2014. MEGABANK is included into the list of 35 banks that were selected among 180 banks, the largest in terms of assets and the most iconic of the Ukrainian economy to undergo diagnostic testing, initiated by the International Monetary Fund.

This testing is part of agreements with the International Monetary Fund, whose  Executive Board approved a two-year agreement for "Stand-By" loan for Ukraine in the amount of SDR 10.976 billion (about 17.1 billion U.S. dollars) on April 30, 2014.

The testing provides an assessment of asset quality and adequacy of regulatory capital of the bank. It will be conducted by independent audit firms in accordance with the set requirements of the National Bank of Ukraine. By results of diagnostics banking institutions should develop and submit capitalization programs to the National Bank. The NBU, in its turn, will assess banks' resistance to economic shocks and provide for measures to strengthen their balance sheets by banks. It is assumed that, if necessary, the state will also participate in additional capitalization of banks.

"Diagnostic testing of banks and their proper capitalization will enhance stability of the banking system and protecting interests of depositors and creditors of Ukraine", – Olena Zhukova, Chairman of Management Board of MEGABANK, PJSC said.